Timor Leste Defence Force
The Naval Component of the F-FDTL was established in December 2001 when Portugal transferred two small Albatroz-class patrol boats from the Portuguese Navy. Its establishment was not supported by the King’s College study team, the UN, or East Timor’s other donor countries on the grounds that East Timor could not afford to operate a naval force. The role of the naval component is to conduct fishery and border protection patrols and ensure that the maritime line of communication to the Oecussi enclave remains open. This is comparable to the role of the Portuguese Navy, which also undertakes military and coast guard functions. All of the force’s warships are based at Hera Harbour, which is located a few kilometres east of Dili. A small base is located at Atabae near the Indonesian border. Under the Force 2020 plan the naval component may eventually be expanded to a light patrol force equipped with corvette-sized ships and landing craft.